"Winners' presentation and Open Lecture" program
5 MAY 2021
from 17.30 to 19.30 – online

17:30 Italy | 11:30 Chile | 10:30 Mexico
Introduction: Elena Formia (Unibo)
Roberto Iñiguez (TEC)
Rodrigo Ramírez (UC)
17:45 Italy | 11:45 Chile | 10:45 Mexico
Station of being. Design for social transformation | Ambra Trotto
18:10 Italy | 12:10 Chile | 11:10 Mexico
Cà Mon | Caterina Amato, Denise Bruno, Simone Ugolotti
B Light | Federica Francia, Martina Garbin, Giuseppe Iacovino
Gnina | Francesco Paci, Rosanna Quaratino, Marco Zagnoli
Comín | Ana María Montero, Monserrat Pulgar, Benjamín Jiménez
Caja fusión | Sebastián Pavlovic, Manuela Tomicic, Karin Watson
Te preparo una cosita? | Valentina Alcántara, Ignacia Lara, Martín Pastenes
Moveat | Ana Sofía Contreras, Lorna Sosa, Juan Muciño
A través de mis ojos | Carlos Rocha, Nicole Spaulding, Beatriz Virrueta
19:20 Italy | 13:20 Chile | 12:20 Mexico
Closing greetings

Ambra Trotto
Ambra Trotto leads the Digital Ethics initiative, setting the foundations of how RISE will take ethics into account, when designing transformation with technology as a material. She also heads The Pink Initiative, with the long-term goal of promoting, through design research, a human driven and systemic approach in business, where social transformations and repercussions are thoroughly taken into account and aim at tackling complex social challenges.
She is part of the Development Team of the strategic research area Value-shaping System Design.
Ambra Trotto’s fascinations lie in how to empower ethics, through design, using digital and non-digital technologies as materials. Strongly believing in the power of Design and Making, Ambra works with makers, builders, craftsmen, dancers and designers to shape societal transformation. Within her design research activity, she produces co-design methods to boost transdisciplinary design conversations.
Ambra is also associate professor at the Umeå Institute of Design She closely collaborates with the Research group of Systemic Change and the Chair of Transformative Practices of the Department of Industrial Design at the Eindhoven University of Technology.