World Bio Market Meetup


DATA: Dal 1 Dicembre 2021 al 2 Dicembre 2021

LUOGO: Online

Link di registrazione

A market-facing service connecting bio innovators, upstream and downstream partners, investors, and consumer brands via a programme of pre-scheduled meetings, closed-door industry conversations, and exclusive on-demand content.
What is it?

World Bio Market Meetup is the meeting service for the entire bioeconomy. We connect the international bio-based value chain, enabling bio-based businesses, buyers and investors to meet each other and do business.

Schedule two free meetings with your target audience anywhere in the world.
Purchase Premium Access for up to 20 pre-scheduled meetings.
Meet only who you want to: stay in control with simple-to-use tools, AI matchmaking and human relationship managers.
Market Meetup’s provide an environmentally friendly and highly efficient platform to do months of business, without the travel, over just two days.
What to expect?

Curated meeting schedules, targeted recommendations, personal introductions

Curated Meeting Schedule: your own pre-arranged meeting schedule, targeted lead-generation, personal introductions, and international deal-making
Networking and knowledge sharing: Pre-register for one of the Expert Tables, interactive peer-to-peer 45-minute roundtables that enable confidential deep-dive discussions and collaborative networking
Learn, watch and read on-demand: Access a program of exclusive on-demand content by streaming video interviews with industry leaders, browsing the latest innovations and company information, and downloading research & breakthroughs that are of interest to you.