

DATA: Dal 6 al 7 Dicembre 2021

LUOGO: Online

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PurposeNOW is a 2-day international gathering that will take place virtually on 6-7 December 2021. It is free to attend.


Two days packed with prominent speakers, 10+ thoug provoking session, 6 hands-on workshop & meaningful networking opportunities.


During this first-of-its-kind 2-day event, you will be walking along with change agents from around the world, from CEOs to employees, from activists to thought leaders who have dared to live by their purpose. The gathering consists of keynote speeches, panels, quick-fire stories, fireside chats for you to be inspired, challenged, and leave the event with an urge to act on purpose.


AFDHEL AZIZ Conspiracy of Love ⟡ ALPASLAN TOMUŞ Mikro Yazılım ⟡ AYŞE YEMİŞCİGİL Harvard University ⟡ CARLOS TEIXEIRA IIT Institute of Design ⟡ CHIP WALKER StrawberryFrog ⟡ CHRISTIAN SARKAR Regenerative Marketing Institute ⟡ COLIN MAYER The British Academy ⟡ ERDEM AKAN Eczacıbaşı Building Products ⟡ ERINCH SAHAN Doughnut Economics Action Lab ⟡ LIVIA FIORETTI TrendWatching Academy