The future of work and education in packaging


DATA: 28 giugno 2022

LUOGO: Online

Maggiori informazioni

On Tuesday 28 June 2022, the NVC mini-conference on the future of work and education in packaging will take place for the sixth time. The meeting is Live Hybrid from the Best Western City Plus Hotel in Gouda. You can participate physically there or live online from any location in the world. Register directly via the registration button or contact the NVC association office via and phone +31-(0)182-512411.


12.30 AM -1.30 PM CEST Entry

1.30 – 1.55 PM CEST Welcome and introduction

Oscar Faber, manager NVC education and training

1.55-2.25 PM CEST Attracting and retaining packaging knowledge in the food business

Ton Tanke, Senior Manager Group Packaging at Intersnack Group GmbH & Co. KG

Who is doing what in a food packaging business?

Challenges in the continuous knowledge development of packaging staff

The effects of COVID



2.35-3.00 PM CEST Attracting and retaining packaging knowledge in packaging suppliers

Madeleine Harmsen, HR Manager at Trioworld Apeldoorn

Who is doing what in a packaging supplier business?

Challenges in the continuous knowledge development of packaging staff

The effects of COVID


3.00-3.20 PM CEST Panel debate, with:

Ton Tanke, Senior Manager Group Packaging at Intersnack Group GmbH & Co. KG

Madeleine Harmsen, HR Manager at Trioworld Apeldoorn

Oscar Faber, manager NVC education and training

Christophe Vossaert, chairman of the Exam Committee NVC Packaging Professional

Hosted by Michael Nieuwesteeg, NVC managing director

3.20 PM CEST Conclusion

At 4:00 PM CEST the graduation ceremony for the Diploma NVC Packaging Professional will start at the same location. This is a festive event every year: about thirty candidates are expected this time. The next group of the NVC Course Programme in Packaging will start 21 September 2022. The exams were held last year in London, Islamabad, Warsaw and Nieuwegein (The Netherlands). Participants of the mini-conference are cordially invited to attend the graduation ceremony, including the after-party.