The Symposium will be an opportunity to confront in a “digital” and multidirectional way some questions about the relationship of human-machine evolution. Registration for the symposium will confirm your interest in attending.
Contribute to the research by reporting interesting case studies by filling out a survey. This survey aims to:
• build a network of expert observers;
• conduct a census, catalog, map out and interpret the significant cases in this context;
• gather together scholars and active witnesses, who are conducting experiments all around the world, to exchange insights;
• put in action this exchange to hold a collective reflection on the theme starting from the Symposium.
Research findings and case study analysis will be presented on the day of the event, and accredited observers will receive exclusive access to the research database and participate in subsequent network meetings.
Innovating in body design means opening up new paths for innovation and actively involving those who investigate and design. The result is likely to be a combined reflection on several aspects in which three main attitudes of human are articulated: the creation and construction (homo Faber), the aspiration and the incessant search for well-being (homo Saluber), and the knowledge of and with his own body in interaction with others and the environment (homo Cogitans).
Three anthropologies in particular that outline a broad and articulated field of investigation, creating three areas to open a debate on design and the human body: