"Cocktail inspiring lectures" program
19 JANUARY 2021
from 16:30 to 18:00 – online

16:30 Italy | 12:30 Chile | 10:30 Mexico
Introduction: Andreas Sicklinger (Unibo)
Moderator: Mariana Fulgueira (UC)
16:40 Italy | 12:40 Chile | 9:40 Mexico
Situated vocabularies – the nolo experimentation | Virginia Tassinari
17:00 Italy | 13:00 Chile | 10:00 Mexico
Nün, an example of Responsible food Innovation from local identity | Belén Undurraga
17:20 Italy | 13:20 Chile | 10:20 Mexico
Gerontology update: gerontotecnology and older adults Doric pandemic | Neyda Ma. Mendoza Ruvalcaba
17:40 Italy | 13:40 Chile | 10:40 Mexico
Discussion panel

Virginia Tassinari
The work of Virginia Tassinari focuses on researching in how philosophy can contribute to the contemporary design research discourse. She is Post-Doc Marie Curie Seal of Excellence Researcher at Politecnico di Milano and Adjunct Professor at the LUCA School of Arts (Belgium). She is also currently working as design researcher in the design studio Pantopicon, experimenting with cities on new ways to generate participation in the public realm and co-create value. Virginia has been a board member of Cumulus Association and is currently a board member of the International Coordination Committee of DESIS Network (Design for Social Innovation & Sustainability), an international network within which she is also co-initiator of the DESIS Philosophy Talks, a series of discussions on design research & philosophy. She recently published with Eduardo Staszowski Designing in Dark Times. An Arendtian Lexicon. Bloomsbury, 2020.

Belén Undurraga
Designer from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
CEO Founder of Nün, a Chilean company dedicated to the elaboration of healthy products made with Chilean seaweed, harvested under fair trade and sustainable standards.
Winner of the best project of the year, Mentores por Chile 2016.
Finalist for the AVONNI 2020, National Innovation Award, in the healthy eating category.
Part of the Mentors network of Universidad del Desarrollo, helping new entrepeneurships in their developing stages.

Neyda Ma. Mendoza Ruvalcaba (neyda.mendoza@academicos.udg.mx.)
Titular Researcher Professor “A” at the University Center of Tonalá of the University of Guadalajara, with a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Master in Social Gerontology with a Specialty in Quality of Gerontological Services from the Autonomous University of Madrid, Doctor in Public Health Sciences from the University of Guadalajara, and Doctor in Clinical and Health Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid.
She teaches classes in the Bachelor of Gerontology and the Master of Gerontology. Her line of research is in Aging and Health. She has been designated a “Desirable Profile” in the Program for Teacher Professional Development. She is a member of the National System of Researchers Level 1 of CONACYT.
Summary of the "Inspiring Lectures" speeches

created by Marco Dall’Olio