Exhibit and exchange "Gendered design and innovation"
29 JUNE 2021
live and online

Innovation is a collective activity that takes place within a system in which technology and information flow among people, enterprises and institutions. Gendered innovation adds a new perspective by questioning who these actors should be, how they interact, communicate, and take decisions, what kind of scientific advances are prioritised and how this information is exchanged in the process of idea generation, adaptation, translation and transformation into designed products or services. The event will focus on how gender fits into different forms of cultural and knowledge production, application and communication, creation of markets for new products/services. It will be composed of two different moments: an exhibition devoted to the topic of communication design at the Biblioteca italiana delle Donne with three Italian Publishing Companies and an exchange moment with the USA Toys Designer Cas Holman and the NEB EU Consultant Michela Magas at the Cortile Guido Fanti of Palazzo D’Accursio.
The event is organized by the Advanced Design Unit, Department of Architecture, University of Bologna, in the framework of the Project Excellent University Departments. The Exhibition is co-organized by the Biblioteca italiana delle Donne, while the Exchange is included within the Rassegna Culturale per la Cura del Presente – Cortile in Comune, organized by FIU. The event is also part of the international Winter School Design for Responsible Innovation by the Design Units of University of Bologna, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Exhibit | live only
Timetable: 17:00 Italy | 11:00 Chile | 10:00 Mexico
Location: Biblioteca Italiana delle Donne | via del Piombo 5 – Bologna
Design for Responsible Innovation: The experience of the Winter School | Laura Succini, Advanced Design Unit, University of Bologna
A dialogue with
Anna Pramstralher, Biblioteca Italiana delle Donne
Cecilia Cappelli and Lucia Gasti, Frute, Indipendent magazine from Udine
Emmanuele Pilia and Athena Pagnozzi, D Editore, Indipendent publisher from Rome
Marta Cotta Ramosino, Asterisco, Indipendent transfeminist publisher from Milano

Frute is a project born from the research of Cecilia Cappelli, a graphic designer based in Friuli Venezia Giulia. She was graduated from the course of Communication and Design for Publishing at the Isia in Urbino, where she designed the magazine’s release by connecting it to research on Italian feminist publishing, and more generally to communication between periodical publishing and young women in Italy. Frute then took on a life of its own, becoming a project that lives halfway between fanzines and magazines, ranging between various themes (sexuality, relationships, family, personal story) told through a feminist gaze.

D Editore is a libertarian-oriented publishing house founded in 2016 (in Rome) with the aim of bringing to Italy themes and authors who for political or cultural reasons have difficulty in being introduced into public debate. Very attentive to gender and queer balance, it was the publisher selected to publish the catalog of the Italian Pavilion at the 2021 Venice Biennial.

Asterisco Edizioni is an independent publishing house that builds its identity on the dissolution of the gender dichotomy. Asterisco is positioned in a space of investigation, dissemination and discussion of controversial ideologies from a historical, social and political point of view. The asterisk indicates the possibilities of the written, handed down or translated language, the different and complex nuances that we know are where everything is told as claustrophobically dichotomous. But the asterisk above all indicates the possibility of readers of an active participation in the process of collective sharing of texts, as a gray area in which to recognize and recognize oneself, gray as that margin in which to identify.
Exchange | live and online
Timetable: 19:00 Italy | 13:00 Chile | 12:00 Mexico
Location: Cortile Guido Fanti, Palazzo D’Accursio | Ingresso via Ugo Bassi 2 – Bologna
Data pills |Ami Liçaj, Advanced Design Unit, University of Bologna
Institutional Greetings
Fabrizio Apollonio, Head of the Department of Architecture, University of Bologn
Alberto González, Head of the Master’s Programme in Advanced Design (MADA), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Raúl Juárez Perezlete, Dean of the School of Architecture, Art and Design, western region, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Gendered Innovation and Design. A starting point | Elena Formia and Valentina Gianfrate, Advanced Design Unit, University of Bologna
Design and Gender. In-depth studies by young researchers | Federica Marchi and Charlotte Marcilliere, University of Bologna
Data pills
Timetable: 19:40 Italy | 13:40 Chile | 12:40 Mexico
Location: Cortile Guido Fanti, Palazzo D’Accursio | Ingresso via Ugo Bassi 2 – Bologna
Designing Gender | Cas Holman
Introduction: Elena Formia, Advanced Design Unit, University of Bologna
Moderator: Juan Claudio Monterrubio, Professor, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Data pills
Timetable: 20:30 Italy | 14:30 Chile | 13:30 Mexico
Location: Cortile Guido Fanti, Palazzo D’Accursio | Ingresso via Ugo Bassi 2 – Bologna
From creative play to mission-oriented: innovation across the gender scale | Michela Magas
Introduction: Rodrigo Ramirez, Director of the School of Design, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Moderator: Valentina Gianfrate, Advanced Design Unit, University of Bologna
Open discussion

Cas Holman
Cas approaches gender as a social construct, and something we all design for ourselves culturally and individually. In her talk she will explore how open-ended play facilitates innovative, unexpected outcomes in designed objects, experiences, and a childs’ understanding of themselves. Through examples from her own work and design philosophy she’ll show how exploration-centered design thinking can create new opportunities for the impact of design.

Michela Magas
Michela Magas is an innovation catalyst who bridges the worlds of science and art, design and technology, and academic research and industry, with a track record of over 25 years of innovation. She is innovation advisor to the European Commission and the G7 leaders, creator of the Industry Commons and Member of President von der Leyen’s High Level Round Table for the New European Bauhaus.
She is Chair of the Industry Commons Foundation with a Steering Board of thought leaders in Open Innovation, which is tasked with development and sustainability of the Industry Commons tools, methodology and ecosystem. She is Innovation and Sustainability Manager of OntoCommons which creates an ontology ecosystem for industrial interoperability based on data documentation for Industry Commons.