We are a community of academics, researchers, and experts concerned with project cultures and their continuous innovation. We operate through Teaching, in the Ph.D. program, through Research, and in Third Mission. We are actively engaged on four fronts:
Citizen Sciences and practices for social innovation: we are interested in understanding and deepening how design cultures and practices can influence open innovation with particular reference to the effects on the ways of inhabiting cities and territory.
Design and Communication for Systemic and Responsible Innovation: we are convinced that every human act is observed in terms of sustainability, involves places other than the one in which it happens, and develops immediate, short term, and long term consequences.
Design Innovation in Collective Learning System: we are driven by the belief that the central and most strategic resource of organisations is knowledge. We are interested in designing innovative content on which to activate knowledge processes but also in rethinking the processes, spaces, and tools through which knowledge is transformed into value.
Human Body Design in Economy of Transformativeness: we have always practiced intentionally modify the world through the intentional modification of our mental and physical form and capabilities. This intentionality means to design and we are interested in understanding the relationship between contemporary cultures of design and organic matter.